Getting Awesome Internships is Easy for French Students

Work Experience
french & internship

Take the opportunity to discover the world of French work! In addition to an upgrade, we support you in your project and help you find a quality internship in your field of study!

Be an Intern in France

The "French & Internship" program is a life changing linguistic and cultural experience where you will have the opportunity to learn French at school as well as in an international work environment. By joining a host company in France, an internship will enable you to discover the workplace "à la française".

To take full advantage of the training and make your internship a key reference on your resume, you must adapt and show motivation, curiosity and dynamism. In order to guarantee an enjoyable atmosphere, it is important to communicate spontaneously with your internship supervisor and team.

Improve your French on a Daily Basis, at France Langue and at Work

French courses tailored to your level

General French courses combined with specialized courses that target the skills needed to progress quickly and interact in a professional environment (oral fluency, written expression, phonetics, comprehension…)

20 lessons of General French
+ 4 lessons of language reinforcement
+ 2 lessons of professional French where you will learn how to manage concrete situations, how to prepare for job interviews while learning the basics of customer and professional relations in France.

French courses tailored to your level

General French courses combined with specialized courses that target the skills needed to progress quickly and interact in a professional environment (oral fluency, written expression, phonetics, comprehension…)

20 lessons of General French
+ 4 lessons of language reinforcement
+ 2 lessons of professional French where you will learn how to manage concrete situations, how to prepare for job interviews while learning the basics of customer and professional relations in France.

Aim: Offer the opportunity of improving French skills in a professional context.

Duration: 2 weeks or more according to your level.

Workshops Only

You also have the option to only take workshops.

4 lessons of Thematic Workshops

+ 2 lessons of Specific Work Experience workshops Paris

An internship linked to your academic and professional career goal

France Langue offers support in administrative procedures and professional integration within host organizations.

Aim: Benefit from our partnerships with companies to gain a significant experience and boost your CV at an international level.

Duration: From 2 to 6 months (internship agreement).

Financial compensation: For all internships longer than 2 months in a private company, a financial compensation is paid within the 1st month (minimum around 577 euros per month).

Do you meet the following conditions ?

  • Are you between 18 and 30 years old?
  • Are you at an intermediate level in French (B1 minimum)?
  • Are you available for at least 2 months on a full-time basis?

Program available
in these schools



Program of minimum 2 weeks

Program start dates

2022 : 30/05 – 04/07 – 01/08 – 05/09 – 03/10 – 07/11

registration fee 80€
French & Internship (whole package*) 885€ / 2 weeks
French & Work Experience workshops only** 205€ / 2 weeks
Work Experience workshops only (2 workshops) 115€
Internship placement fee*** 650€

*Whole package
20 lessons (General French)
+ 4 lessons (themed workshops)
+ 2 lessons (work experience workshops)

**French & Work Experience workshops only
4 lessons (themed workshops)
+ 2 lessons (work experience workshops)

***(Must be combined with a 2-week French & Work Experience program minimum)

Program start dates

2022 : 13/06 – 11/07 – 08/08 – 12/09 – 17/10 – 21/11

registration fee 40€
French & Internship (whole package*) 755€ / 2 weeks
French & Work Experience workshops only** 195€ / 2 weeks
Work Experience workshops only (2 workshops) 115€
Internship placement fee*** 650€

*Whole package
20 lessons (General French)
+ 4 lessons (themed workshops)
+ 2 lessons (work experience workshops)

**French & Work Experience workshops only
4 lessons (themed workshops)
+ 2 lessons (work experience workshops)

***(Must be combined with a 2-week French & Work Experience program minimum)

Program start dates

2022 :  07/06 – 18/07 – 16/08 – 19/09 – 10/10 – 14/11

registration fee 80€
French & Internship (whole package*) 885€ / 2 weeks
French & Work Experience workshops only** 205€ / 2 weeks
Work Experience workshops only (2 workshops) 115€
Internship placement fee*** 650€

*Whole package
20 lessons (General French)
+ 4 lessons (themed workshops)
+ 2 lessons (work experience workshops)

**French & Work Experience workshops only
4 lessons (themed workshops)
+ 2 lessons (work experience workshops)

***(Must be combined with a 2-week French & Work Experience program minimum)

Program start dates

2022 : 23/05 – 20/06 – 25/07 – 22/08 – 26/09 – 28/11

registration fee 40€
French & Internship (whole package*) 680€ / 2 weeks
French & Work Experience workshops only** 190€ / 2 weeks
Work Experience workshops only (2 workshops) 115€
Internship placement fee*** 650€

*Whole package
20 lessons (General French)
+ 4 lessons (themed workshops)
+ 2 lessons (work experience workshops)

**French & Work Experience workshops only
4 lessons (themed workshops)
+ 2 lessons (work experience workshops)

***(Must be combined with a 2-week French & Work Experience program minimum)

Our support team

Etudiant en accompagnement


Laurène, Work Experience Program Manager

  • Help and information
  • Skype interview upon receipt of your application form (interview includes: aassessment of your level of French, your motivation, your expectations and needs and presentation of the program).
  • Sending of stay sheets to better organize your stay in France
  • Setting up of one or more interviews (maximum of three interviews offered per student)
  • Support in administrative tasks
  • Welcome reception at the France Langue school where you will receive your student card that entitles you to many discounts throughout various activities.
  • Orientation session: useful tips for the administrative procedures (opening of bank account, French phone number…)
  • Opening of a bank account
  • Finalisation of the internship agreement
  • General French classes: Guided by your teacher you will learn the language.
  • Classroom beyond the walls: Coordinated by the academic coach, it will take you outside the classroom to practise the skills learnt in class.
  • Mentoring sessions: Your coach will focus on your weaknesses to make them your strength.
  • Student Welfare Managers : Their single objective is your happiness & success throughout your experience.

france langue selling points

A full-immersion French Program – A Supervized Work Experience – A Secure Stay

  1. French lessons at our schools in Paris, Nice, Bordeaux or Lyon
  2. A program tailored to your level and made to prepare you for your professional career
  3. A serious and carefully selected employer
  4. Signature of an internship agreement regulated by the French law
  5. Permanent support by our team for a peaceful stay

Interviews with Host Companies

Interviews with Host Companies

We offer internships matching your profile and availability. Internship interviews take place either on Skype (if done before the arrival in France) or at the office of the host company (if done after the arrival in France).

Be prepared, attending the interviews are mandatory and know that the interview is only a formality for most host companies.

We have implemented a flexible schedule, allowing you to meet the host company when you are not in class. A maximum of 3 interviews will be set up for each student.

The Host Companies

Internship opportunities depend on your profile and the availability of host companies. Duration of the internship will be agreed on during the interview with our team.

Your level of French, your educational background and your enthusiasm will determine the position, tasks and responsibilities that will be given to you within the company. All kinds of professional experience will enrich your CV for the host company.

Please note that we disclaim all responsibility for internal issues that might arise with the management or employees in the company.

Internships fields: tourism industry, gastronomy, business, communication, marketing, law, journalism, international relations, socio-cultural mediation, public relations, fashion, art …

They trust us

The companies

"We are very happy of the student introduced by the Work Experience team who, beyond his personal qualities (good education, kindness, on time, helpful, …) was able to adapt himself very good and succeeded in the tasks – not always easy – that he had to do."

Vice-president of an environment international association

The students

«An excellent experience, especially for gaining practical experience in law»

Johanna, 20 years old, Dutch, Legal aid

«I think this internship changed my life. My tutor has always been available and trusted me, so much that I was given many responsabilities and projects»

Robert, 23 years old, Canadian, Project assistant

Our students testify

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