Easy Way of Taking Off Wax Bottle Cap

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  1. Hophead717

    Hophead717 Initiate (0) Oct 21, 2011 Massachusetts

    So, like an idiot, I cut my finger last night when trying to open a waxed bottles. While sitting in the ER waiting for stitches, I was wondering what the best way to open a waxed bottle was! Tonight, returning to the bottle that caused me such harm, I used a fork to peel away the wax, but that wasn't the most efficient.

    What do you use to peel the wax off a waxed bottle before you open it?

  2. I use a knife to chip away just enough to get the bottle opener under the cap and then pry it off, wax and all.
  3. Score the wax through (to the bottle/cap) in a line across the top of the cap, and then continue down along one side of the bottle. This should usually allow you to peel the wax off the bottle. You're gonna lose the cool look of the wax on the bottle, but you're not gonna have much trouble opening the bottle, and you probably won't cut yourself.
  4. I Generally use the bottle opener on my Swiss army knife and it does the trick without having to do anything to the wax. I've also used the waiters corkscrew pictures above when I didn't have my knife.
  5. dwitt24

    dwitt24 Initiate (0) Feb 28, 2011 Washington

  6. Sears brand of tools actually has a bottle opener. it's deep enought that you dont have to do squat with the wax, just open up like a regular bottle.
  7. PapaGoose03

    PapaGoose03 Poo-Bah (3,565) May 30, 2005 Michigan

    Keep in mind that it may be as simple as scoring thru the wax around the bottom edge of the cap and then screwing the cap off the bottle. The first year that Arcadia used wax on their Shipwreck Porter bottles, they used screw-off caps. I learned quickly after that first one because their wax is so thick that it was an effort to cut off enough of it to make room for the opener to hook the edge.
  8. [​IMG]
  9. Rutager

    Rutager Initiate (0) Oct 18, 2010 Canada (BC)

    I was wondering about this the other day. Does it work with various beer 750's? Anyone have any experience?
  10. Exacto knife... that's what I use. Cuts clean with a couple of passes, and as long as you're not a dumb ass/drunk ass, you'll be fine.
  11. paulys55

    paulys55 Initiate (0) Aug 2, 2010 Pennsylvania

    Works all the time if done correctly, but more of a show-off/novelty thing...I mean, the top of the bottle comes off and it's not the safest way to open a bottle. Find the vertical seem running up the bottle and slide the knife or whatever you use up the seem keeping it .....oh just google how to saber a bottle.
  12. 3leven

    3leven Initiate (0) Jun 28, 2012 Texas

    I use a wine key as well. It's worked on stubborn Knob Creek and Makers Mark, etc. bottles when the li'l tab won't do. Seems like the safest route to go as long as you don't manhandle it too much. Or the foil cutter in another post. Sorry to hear about your trip to the ER.
  13. paulys55

    paulys55 Initiate (0) Aug 2, 2010 Pennsylvania

    I have done this with 750s, regular 12ozers and pretty much any bottle you can think of. Some work better than others. I personally use the back side (not cutting edge) of a heavy knife but it can be done with almost anything. It will usually take the top of the bottle clean off right below the lip but be carefull because it will be really sharp.
  14. I have a bottle opener on my keychain that can carve out wax pretty well. Really all you have to do is just dig in one spot to grab under the cap and it should break from the wax if you open it.

    I'm not sure you would want to lance a beer bottle. The pressure in beer is completely different from champagne. Unless you don't plan on drinking it.

  15. paulys55

    paulys55 Initiate (0) Aug 2, 2010 Pennsylvania

    Quick not on the Cantillon: I would not suggest doing this to a really nice beer only because they will gush a little sometimes and I wouldn't want to waste a drop of good beer for a parlor trick.
  16. Retail1LO

    Retail1LO Initiate (0) May 4, 2011 Pennsylvania

    I remove just enough wax to get the tooth of the bottle opener beneath the lip of the cap, and open the bitch up. Cake.
  17. [​IMG]

    The bottle opener works well, too.

  18. leedorham

    leedorham Initiate (0) Apr 27, 2006 Washington

    Probably can't get one of those on a plane, can you?
  19. I've only flown with it once, but I didn't have any issues.
  20. If I have been drinking a lot, I dont... :astonished:
  21. ChanChan

    ChanChan Initiate (0) Dec 12, 2009 California

    I don't see the "wax bottle opener" slot. I think you got the made in China model!
  22. ChanChan

    ChanChan Initiate (0) Dec 12, 2009 California

    You need to pack utility knifes, lighters, and other essentials in your luggage, unless its a weapon they won't make a fuss since these items will travel with other luggage. Its when you have these items in your pockets or key chain that they tell you "sir, step to the side please!"
  23. leedorham

    leedorham Initiate (0) Apr 27, 2006 Washington

    I meant in your pocket/wallet/keys. Why would they care if it was in your checked luggage?
  24. atone315

    atone315 Champion (893) Oct 8, 2008 Wisconsin

    OP- I use a lighter (I guess any source of flame/heat would do). Then a bottle opener. Work smarter, not harder!
    C2H5, dianimal and vurt like this.
  25. ChanChan

    ChanChan Initiate (0) Dec 12, 2009 California

    Yeah, true. But why on earth would they let you take this in your "pocket/wallet/keys"?
  26. BBThunderbolt

    BBThunderbolt Poo-Bah (9,808) Sep 24, 2007 Kiribati
    Society Trader

  27. Hophead717

    Hophead717 Initiate (0) Oct 21, 2011 Massachusetts

    This could be genius. I'll be trying this tonight.Probably will soften it first.

    Thanks for all of the replies. Hopefully tonight's attempt doesn't end in stitches :rolling_eyes:

  28. yamar68

    yamar68 Initiate (0) Apr 1, 2011 Minnesota

    If the wax is especially thick, I massage it with a blow torch for a couple of seconds. Then it's pretty manageable with a standard bottle opener.

    This really is only realistic for my fellow oil dome users, as I'm sure most BA's don't have a blow torch at the ready. Just sayin... it works.

  29. davey101

    davey101 Meyvn (1,119) Apr 14, 2009 Connecticut

  30. [​IMG]
    the company I work for has this opener for sale, the divet on the left side lets you open the wax top almost like popping off a quarter. Working on selling them to BeerGeeks.com, if you know me, hit me up. Will put one in your next box. If you dont, send me a fedex label and I will send one that way.
  31. davey101

    davey101 Meyvn (1,119) Apr 14, 2009 Connecticut

    Haha no, thats a bit too elaborate for me. Never tried BHO though.
  32. I personally use a samurai sword and just cut the top off with one clean swipe of the blade. It works really well just make sure everyone is at least 8 feet away from you
  33. jpsy422

    jpsy422 Initiate (0) Jul 12, 2009 Illinois

    Generally, I hand it to my personal butler and have him do it.
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Source: https://www.beeradvocate.com/community/threads/how-do-you-open-waxed-bottles.37223/

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